Friday, June 28, 2013


This morning I rose to an intercom voice blaring "HUEVOS! HUEVOS! HUEVOS!" For those of you that don't speak Spanish huevos means eggs. Some people wake up to the sound of the ocean crashing against the shore. I wake up to a man selling eggs at 8:30 in the morning. It was at this time that I told myself "Beth... this is a cultural experience and you must enjoy it." However, what I was really thinking was that I really wished that said eggs had stayed inside whatever chicken they came from. I headed downstairs at that time and ate breakfast (a bowl of fruit (fruta) and bread (pan) with butter (mantequilla) and jelly (jalea). I read a daily devotional from Jesus Calling and it's food for thought today was to enjoy the goodness that God has given to us. So Mr. Huevos man... guess that means I need to enjoy you. Today I have an Orientation at the University of Costa Rica! Pretty excited about it and am ready to meet some more people! I'll let y'all know how it goes! 

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