Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I Am Alive

  Hey y'all! Sorry I haven't been blogging lately. Turns out there is an AT&T equivalent of an internet company here in Costa Rica. In other words, the Wifi company that my host family uses is bad and unreliable. When it rains, the Wifi cuts out. When the dog next door barks, the Wifi cuts out. When I have an INCREDIBLY important presentation to give the next day, the Wifi cuts out. You get my point. Also, having internet access is my way of communicating with people back home. So hello everybody! I'm alive! Another reason I haven't been blogging is I have been CRAZY busy. My classes are incredibly demanding. Every week I have two 10 minute presentations to give in Spanish and a test. (lots of homework too). So this blog will be short...
  Even though my classes are rough, I am kicking butt and taking names. I got A's on all of my stuff last week. Just to give you an idea of how quickly these classes are moving, I have already received around 30% of my total grade in both of the classes... IN THE FIRST WEEK. My Intermediate 2 class is going very well. The teacher is nice and the material is not awful. However, Conversation is torture. I THOUGHT I was going to like this class. I hate it. I feel every minute of  the two and a half hours I am in this class. The teacher picks favorites. Annoying. The routine is the same everyday. Boring. Her presentations suck. HOW MUCH LONGER IS THIS CLASS? You get the point. This class is like pulling teeth.
  Everything is fantastic with my host family! They are just great. The mom and dad are nice. The kids are hilarious. The food is good. Life is good. When I have more time I will fill y'all in on my recent adventures and what I have been up to! Until next time...

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